concept and design
Why invest in a professional landscape design and plans? Because it gives you an accurate estimate of the cost of the work and the quantities of materials required. This plan facilitates your exchanges with the landscaper by avoiding misunderstandings and costly mistakes throughout the process.
The site plan helps define the spaces occupied in your garden. This process allows us to plan the various elements that will be placed according to your tastes, your desires or your practical needs. It also includes planning the placement of carefully selected plants.
We study all your residential and commercial landscaping projects. Request your turnkey quote by contacting us by phone or email.
First visit
First visit
- Understanding your style, goals, and needs
- Analysis of terrain and environment
- Definition of activity and circulation areas
- Choice of materials and plants
- Concept creation
- Design of 2D and 3D plans
SECOND visit
Second visit
- Presentation of 2D and 3D scale drawings
- Presentation of a personalized and detailed guide
The design of your landscape plan is broken down into two stages (two visits).
During the planning of your work, we will present you with numerous residential and commercial design and eco-compatible solutions.
Our maintenance techniques are also environmentally conscious, as we advocate for the respect of nature’s cycles.
The garden of your dreams
Does your garden need a tune-up? Discover our maintenance services for your outdoor spaces.